MILK Podcast: Lost and Found, Season 3 Episode 2: NYC Hustling, Flexibility, and Boy Momming with Peloton Yoga Instructor Kristin McGee

Peloton Yoga Instructor Kristin McGee joins Mallory in the MILK Podcast Studio to talk about her years as an actress, pivoting to yoga and fitness, and how she's found her perfect career sweetspot at Peloton.

Growing up in small town Idaho, Kristin had big dreams of pursuing dance and acting in New York, and became one of the most sought after and recognized yoga instructors in the city. Throughout her career, Kristin has been a pioneer in making yoga more accessible.

Photo Courtesy of Peloton

Photo Courtesy of Peloton

She has starred in yoga DVD’s, has privately trained celebrities and written books about the value of the yoga in everyday life. As a mom of three boys, Kristin strongly believes that just a few minutes of yoga a day can bring more balance and harmony to your life.

Kristin and Mallory talk about how moms can reconnect to their bodies and to their (new) selves post partum, and how her life and career has changed since she became a parent. Follow @KristinMcGee on Instagram.

MILK Podcast: The Loss Season, Episode 5: Compassion, Checklists, and Treating the Whole Patient with Integrative Oncologist Lanie Kasdan Francis

Dr. Lanie Kasdan Francis joins Mallory in the MILK Studio. Lanie is board certified in hematology and medical oncology and practices at The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Hillman Cancer Center.

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Lanie is the founder and director of the Wellness Integrative Program Oncology at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, where she a embraces holistic approach to care in the context of conventional cancer therapy. She was appointed by the state of Pennsylvania to the Medical Marijuana Task Force, and is a certifying provider. Lanie is Associate Medical Director, Medical Oncology for UPMC International, and is an assistant clinical professor at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

Lanie is the mother to three boys, a fitness enthusiast, and Mallory’s younger sister. Follow her at @integrativecancerdoc.  

MILK Podcast: The Loss Season Episode 3: Motherhood, Marriage and Loss of Self with Clinical Psychologist and Author Molly Millwood, PhD

Clinical Psychologist Molly Millwood joins Mallory in the MILK Studio to discuss her new book "To Have and To Hold: Motherhood, Marriage and the Modern Dilemma."

When Molly first became a mother, she was fully prepared for what she would gain: an adorable baby, hard won mothering skills, and a chaotic, beautiful life. But what she was not prepared for – and what she did not expect – was what she would lose: aspects of her identity, a baseline level of happiness, a general sense of well-being.  And though she had the benefit of a supportive partner during this transition, she also envied and at times resented the fact that the disruption to his life seemed to pale in comparison.  

Photo by Kathryn West

Photo by Kathryn West

As a clinical psychologist, Molly knew her experience was a normal response to a life-changing event. But without the benefit of such a perspective, many of the patients she treated in her private practice grappled with guilt, self doubt, and fear, and suffered the dual pain of not only the struggle to adjust but also the overwhelming shame for struggling at all.

In her book, “To Have and To Hold: Motherhood, Marriage, and the Modern Dilemma,” Molly surveys the complex terrain of new motherhood, exploring the ways it affects women psychologically, emotionally, physically and professionally, as well as how it impacts their partnerships.

Dr. Molly Millwood holds a Ph.D in clinical psychology with advanced specialized training in marital therapy and intimate relationships. Molly is a licensed psychologist in private practice, where she is particularly known for her work with couples and with women navigating the transition to parenthood. She lives in Vermont with her husband and two children.  Find her at

Episode 41: Being Goldilocks, Positive Self-Talk, and Racing Like a Mother with Peloton Instructor Christine D'Ercole

Peloton indoor cycling instructor Christine D’Ercole joins Mallory in the MILK Studio for part two of a MILK/Peloton series on motivation and self-care for moms.

Photo courtesy of Peloton.

Photo courtesy of Peloton.

Christine is a decorated track racer who brings that expertise to every class. Grounded in science, music, grit and grace, Christine believes that as a rider you have two tools at your disposal: your breath and your inner monologue.

Christine has been an actress, a model and a bike messenger prior to becoming a fitness professional, and conducts workshops on positive self talk in addition to the empowerment work she does on the bike for other riders. Her mantra is “I am I can I will I do.” 

Check out Christine at and @IAMICANIWILLIDO on Instagram. And check out @onepeloton

Episode 40: Spinning, Swearing, Sweating and Self-Care with Jenn Sherman of Peloton

Peloton indoor cycling instructor Jenn Sherman joins Mallory in the MILK Studio for part one of a MILK/Peloton series on motivation and self-care for moms.

Photo courtesy of Peloton.

Photo courtesy of Peloton.

Jenn is an experienced fitness professional who became Peloton’s first instructor over 5 years ago. The company has since blown up, reinventing fitness with live & on-demand boutique studio classes you can take anytime on a bike, treadmill with a Peloton App.

Jenn and Mallory talk about the company’s backstory, about finding your “thing” after having kids, and being a woman over 40 in the fitness world. Jenn is a mom to two teenagers, and brings a no BS approach to every ride she does. Don’t f*&k with her playlists, her love of summer camp, her sports teams or her tribe.

Check her out @pelotonjenn and check out @onepeloton.

Episode 36: Like A Mother: Feminism, Science and the Culture of Pregnancy With Journalist Angela Garbes

Journalist Angela Garbes joins Mallory in the MILK Studio. Angela is a Seattle based writer specializing in food, bodies, women’s health, and issues of racial equity and diversity, and is the author of “Like  A Mother: A Feminist Journey through the Science and Culture of Pregnancy.”


As a new mom food writer at Seattle's alt-weekly, The Stranger, Angela wrote a piece called “The More I Learn About Breast Milk, the More Amazed I Am.” The story became the publication’s most read piece in its twenty-four year history, and the inspiration for “Like A Mother.” Angela is an experienced public speaker, frequent radio and podcast guest, and event moderator.  She grew up in a food obsessed immigrant Filipino household and now lives in Seattle with her husband and daughters. Find her on twitter @agarbes

Episode 32: Canada, Cannabis and CEOs with Alison Gordon

This moment is a turning point for normalizing cannabis, and Alison Gordon is in the MILK Studio with Mallory to tell us why. Alison is the CEO of 48North Cannabis Co., a medical cannabis company based in Toronto.

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Named one of Canada’s Top 10 Marketers by Marketing Magazine, Alison has been celebrated for her unique ability to shift public opinion and consumer behavior in the right direction. As a co-founder and EVP at Rethink Breast Cancer for 13 years prior to joining the medical marijuana industry, Alison is credited with growing a new generation of young breast cancer supporters -- a previously untapped demographic compelled by her ground-breaking communication and branding expertise.

Alison’s extensive work with patients, physicians and government, coupled with her entrepreneurial approach and marketing experience, has uniquely positioned her in the marijuana industry. Alison lives in Toronto with her family. Follow her @cannabisculturist on Instagram.

Episode 29: Cartoon Coping, Unpaid Custodial Work, and Goop-y Wellness with Dr Grace Farris, MD

Cartoonist and physician Dr. Grace Farris MD is in the MILK Studio with Mallory. Dr. Farris graduated from Brown Medical School and completed her internal medicine residency at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. She practiced as a hospitalist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and was a fellow in bioethics at Harvard Medical School in 2016. In 2017, Dr. Farris joined the Icahn Mount Sinai School of Medicine as assistant professor and Chief of the Division of Hospital Medicine at Mount Sinai West. 

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In addition, Grace draws the most excellent, wry, New Yorker-ish cartoons and shares them on Instagram, about momming as a doctor and woo-hooing at every Soul Cycle around NYC. It is a spot on, self-deprecating (because look at her resume!) look at life as a curious NYC transplant, a physician who is often mistaken for a nurse, #boymom. Check her out @coupdegracefarris on Instagram and @gracefarris on Twitter.