MILK Podcast: Lost and Found Trailer

It’s March of 2020. I’m in my house with my kids and husband. We are on Day 12 of Corona life. We are quarantined in our apartment. Today is the first day of online school, which is much more work then letting the kids just play video games watch Netflix all day, which was what felt right to do last week. My husband is working from our living room. We’ve only really left the house to get food and to take short walks or bike rides around the block. It is scary but oddly cozy. 

I’m trying to do what feels normal, which is working on MILK Season 3. After last season, where I explored loss through the lens of motherhood, this season I’ve been talking to women about what there is to be found on the other side. About being open to transitions and flexibility, as if, and I’m seeing this in real time, we have any other choice.

BC, before Corona, or as it was unfolding, I interviewed women who were had written beautiful books, who were fighting back against power structures and advocating for others, and creating new methods to help people care for their bodies and minds. These MILKs have thoughts and advice about parenting through anxiety and writing through pain. I’ve spoken to psychologists, sexual assault survivors, a yoga and meditation celeb, crafters of beautiful fiction, and many more to come.

Obviously, we are living through unprecedented times. All I really know how to do with that is to try and connect with others who are doing their very best to tell truths and find light and humor despite the darkness. Season 3 of MILK Podcast, Lost and Found, is coming soon — please listen to the trailer and let the voice of my friend Nicole Alifante soothe you. Lost and Found theme song is from her album LA-LA-LA and is called “Before I Go.”