Episode 30: Violence and Memory, Empathy and Diversity, #MeToo and Oysters with Journalist Rona Kobell

Journalist Rona Kobell is in the MILK Studio with Mallory. Moved by the trauma of the Parkland, Florida shooting, Rona and Mallory collaborated on a print piece about their high school classmate Karen Hurwitz, who was brutally murdered when they were all seventeen years old. Read the piece that prompted this conversation.


Rona began her career covering crime in rural Missouri and later Pittsburgh, and was on the staff of the Baltimore Sun from 2000 to 2009. After a journalism fellowship at the University of Michigan, she moved on to the Chesapeake Bay Journal, a monthly newspaper focusing on America’s largest estuary. There, she started a monthly radio show, “Midday on the Bay,” broadcast for five years on Maryland’s largest NPR station. Rona also freelanced for several publications, including Grist, Slate, Modern Farmer, and The Washington Post. Now a science writer at the University of Maryland’s Sea Grant College, she lives north of Baltimore with her husband, also a journalist, and two children. Follow Rona’s writing @rkobell on Twitter. 

Episode 18: #Goals, Getting Out More, and Making Me Happen with Educator /Coach Taayoo Murray

Taayoo Murray joins me in the MILK studio to discuss how she and her kids set and meet goals, her work/mom ephiphany, and her book and coaching program “Making Me Happen.”

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Taayoo is motivated, positive, and ready to help tweens, teens and the parents who love them with academics, behavior, athletics, and personal goal setting. She is lovely to talk parenting with --  and she has a great laugh! Check her out at taayoomurray.com and Making Me Happen on Facebook.