MILK Podcast: Lost and Found, Season 3 Episode 5: Sexual Assualt, Survivor Advocacy and Activism with Marissa Hochstetter

Activist Marissa Hoechstetter joins Mallory in the MILK Studio. Marissa is a survivor advocate who writes and speaks about sexually abusive doctors, enabling institutions, and corrupt politicians. She’s been fighting for change since her own reports of assault by an OB/GYN received inadequate responses from the medical system and law enforcement.

MILK Podcast Guest Marissa Hoechstetter podcast host Mallory Kasdan.jpg

Marissa spearheaded a successful campaign in New York City to allow patients to remove the names of abusive doctors from birth certificates. She has given testimony on medical abuse to lawmakers and medical boards, and she founded Reform the Sex Crimes Unit, a group calling for increased transparency and accountability within the Manhattan DA’s Sex Crimes Unit and Special Victims Bureau. She is also a member of RAINN’s Speakers Bureau and the Patient Safety Action Network’s Medical Board Roundtable. Marissa is a senior advancement and communications professional for non-profit organizations and lives with her family in Massachusetts. Follow her @mhoechstetter and

Episode 36: Like A Mother: Feminism, Science and the Culture of Pregnancy With Journalist Angela Garbes

Journalist Angela Garbes joins Mallory in the MILK Studio. Angela is a Seattle based writer specializing in food, bodies, women’s health, and issues of racial equity and diversity, and is the author of “Like  A Mother: A Feminist Journey through the Science and Culture of Pregnancy.”


As a new mom food writer at Seattle's alt-weekly, The Stranger, Angela wrote a piece called “The More I Learn About Breast Milk, the More Amazed I Am.” The story became the publication’s most read piece in its twenty-four year history, and the inspiration for “Like A Mother.” Angela is an experienced public speaker, frequent radio and podcast guest, and event moderator.  She grew up in a food obsessed immigrant Filipino household and now lives in Seattle with her husband and daughters. Find her on twitter @agarbes

Episode 11: Helping Moms, Mom is Helping, and Trolling DJT with Juliana Sanchez Gebb

Dr. Juliana Sanchez Gebb is in the MILK studio talking to Mallory on International Women's Day. Juliana is an attending high-risk obstetrician in the Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and a mother to three boys.

She has a notable commute from New York for her intense job, and manages childcare with help from her own mother, Alison Hall. Juliana has found a creative way to further her career and cultivate her specific medical interests, while relying on her mom and husband for support. She doesn't make it look easy, because its not! She’s lovely and calm, but also enjoys trolling the current POTUS on Twitter.