MILK Podcast: The Loss Season, Episode 12: Banksy Angels, Frolicking Dolphins, and Our Friend Heather

Mallory is joined in the MILK Studio by Moms she Already Knows: Veracelle, Lindsay, Kerri, Meg, Leslie and Stephanie discuss the loss of their dear friend, Heather Wheat Tilev, who died in February of 2019.

Heather is the blonde in the hat. Photo taken by a timer propped up on something executed by Lindsay, February 2017

Heather is the blonde in the hat. Photo taken by a timer propped up on something executed by Lindsay, February 2017

The culmination of The Loss Season explores how grief can manifest in a tight tribe of women, and Mallory talks to the MILKs about Heather's life and death. Heather's recent loss has devastated the group, as well as her family and community, and the women speak to Mallory, in interviews over the past 9 months, about her life, her work, her vibe, and her legacy.

They remember trips they took, running into her other on the street, and laughing over group text -- all the mundane things one does not realizing it will be the last time. They also speak honestly about the variety of ways they cope individually and within the group, and how motherhood is the ultimate lens for loss. 

Episode 9 1/2: Encyclopedias of Ordinary Lives Remembering Amy Krouse Rosenthal

A mini episode -- a monologue actually. Remembering Amy Krouse Rosenthal, author, creator, filmmaker, connector, mother, wife, daughter and friend. She wrote things, she read things, she made things and she did things, so many wonderful things.


She even made Mallory a portable radio out of a milk carton once. She was herself a MILK and should have been on this podcast.

Episode 9: Early Dotcom, Martha Stewart, and WTH is Life Coaching Anyway with Allison Task

Allison Task joins me in the MILK Studio to talk about her career path from the early, heady dot com days, to cooking, writing cookbooks and TV hosting, and now to career and life coaching.

Longtime friends Mal and Al remember their first year sharing a one bedroom apartment in NYC, and Allison tells stories about working for (and working out with) Martha Stewart.

We find out the benefits of parents defining exactly what they are looking to accomplish, especially when we feel like we can barely keep it all together. And we go meta when Mallory gets coached by Allison -- goals are stated and no doubt Allison will make Mallory accountable.