Episode 40: Spinning, Swearing, Sweating and Self-Care with Jenn Sherman of Peloton

Peloton indoor cycling instructor Jenn Sherman joins Mallory in the MILK Studio for part one of a MILK/Peloton series on motivation and self-care for moms.

Photo courtesy of Peloton.

Photo courtesy of Peloton.

Jenn is an experienced fitness professional who became Peloton’s first instructor over 5 years ago. The company has since blown up, reinventing fitness with live & on-demand boutique studio classes you can take anytime on a bike, treadmill with a Peloton App.

Jenn and Mallory talk about the company’s backstory, about finding your “thing” after having kids, and being a woman over 40 in the fitness world. Jenn is a mom to two teenagers, and brings a no BS approach to every ride she does. Don’t f*&k with her playlists, her love of summer camp, her sports teams or her tribe.

Check her out @pelotonjenn and check out @onepeloton.

Episode 25: Women Killing It, Willing It, Faking It and Making It with Podcast Host and Investigative Journalist Sally Hubbard

Sally Hubbard, Creator and Host of “Women Killing It” Podcast, joins Mallory in the MILK Studio.

Sally Hubbard podcast Mallory Kasdan MILK Podcast.png

Through interviews and real-life storytelling, Sally’s mission is to create a movement of women celebrating successes and inspiring one another. Sally attended NYU Law School and later became an investigative journalist, striving to uncover just how do successful women do it? Inspired by stories of shattering the proverbial “glass ceiling,” Sally looks to reveal a playbook for how women can kill it in their careers.

She and Mallory talk, at the tail end of 2017, about the reckoning of male sexual assaulters and harassers, how to keep up the good fight as an activist, and how flexibility in the workplace is good for all of us.

Check out Sally, and her fabulous feminist positive podcast at www.womenkillingit.com.

Milk Podcast Episode 21:  Secret World of Teenagers, The Bechdel Test, Sexuality and Casting with Actress Amy Hargreaves

Actress Amy Hargreaves joins Mallory in the MILK Studio. Currently starring in the popular “13 Reasons Why” series and in Showtime’s “Homeland,” Amy is also appearing in two fall films, “Super Dark Times” and “Wonderstruck.”

Amy Hargreaves actress podcast Mallory Kasdan MILK podcast Brooklyn

Amy’s first audition was an open call for Broadway’s “Annie” at age 12, and she has worked in commercials, voiceovers, film, television and theater jobs, ever since.

Amy talks with Mallory about navigating motherhood and performing, how expressing sexuality in her acting career helped her get roles as she got OLDER, and the harassment and assault issues that are rocking the entertainment world.